Localize your SwiftUI app

Description: Learn how to localize your SwiftUI app and make it available to a global audience. Explore how you can localize strings in SwiftUI, including those with styles and formatting. We'll demonstrate how you can save time by having SwiftUI automatically handle tasks such as layout and keyboard shortcuts, and take you through the localization workflow in Xcode 13. To get the most out of this session and learn more about the Markdown language and AttributedString, check out "What's new in Foundation" from WWDC21.


  • Format types are automatically inferred in Xcode 13
  • Text and LocalizedStringKey now work together with the compiler to better extract localizable content from code source (e.g. with multiline text)


  • ability to style localizable strings using markdown
  • different localizations can use different formatting (e.g. "hello _world_" = "Hola **Mundo**";)


  • we can specify the format in a declarative manner directly inline with where the value is being shown
  • more performant APIs

Old way:

let calories = Measurement<UnitEnergy>(value: nutritionFact.kilocalories, unit: .kilocalories)

static let measurementFormatter: MeasurementFormatter = {
  let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
  formatter.unitStyle = .long
  formatter.unitOptions = .providedUnit
  return formatter

Text(Self.measurementFormatter.string(from: calories))
Text("Energy: \(calories, formatter: Self.measurementFormatter)")

New way:

let calories = Measurement(value: nutritionFact.kilocalories, unit: .kilocalories)

Text(calories.formatted(.measurement(width: .wide, usage: .food)))
Text("Energy: \(calories, format: .measurement(width: .wide, usage: .food))")


  • New in macOS and iPadOS, any keyboard shortcuts you define in your SwiftUI app will now be automatically adjusted so that they can be typed on the user's currently active keyboard layout
    • this is thanks to a new remapping feature of macOS Monterey and iPadOS 15
    • no work to be done on the developer side

Exporting for localization

  • New Xcode project build settings Use Compiler to Extract Swift Strings
    • Once active, when before exporting strings for localization, Xcode will build all project targets and use the compiler type information to extract LocalizedStringKeys from your SwiftUI code
    • New in Xcode 13 .xcloc a.k.a. Xcode Localization Catalogs can be opened directly in Xcode with the new Localization Catalog Editor


  • Extract LocalizeStringKeys
  • Turn on Use Compiler to Extract Swift Strings project build setting
  • Internationalize your code with formatting
  • Style your localized strings with Markdown
  • Use Text() to add comments for translation context

Missing anything? Corrections? Contributions are welcome 😃


Written by

Federico Zanetello

Federico Zanetello

Software engineer with a strong passion for well-written code, thought-out composable architectures, automation, tests, and more.